Details for: Florence Croteau 14434 List: 369 Return to Points List 369

List:Period 3 Women's Distance
Start:Jan 29, 2007
End:Jan 29, 2008
Races to Count:7
View RaceFinale Coupe Atomic et Challenge Atomic<Mar 31, 2007La Tuque<Regional Race7.5FreeDistance260:21:03.3072.43
View RaceCCC Skiing Championships 2007 Long distance<Mar 25, 2007Québec<Canadian Championship7.5FreeDistance300:24:37.4869.51
View RaceCoupe Atomic Orford/ Loppet Orford<Feb 10, 2007Parc national du Mont-Orford<Regional Race5FreeDistance370:18:12.8068.87
View RaceCCC Skiing Championships 2007 Short dist, Category<Mar 20, 2007Québec<Canadian Championship5FreeDistance1310:19:06.1068.79
View RaceChampionnat de l'Est - Eastern Championships<Feb 4, 2007Gatineau<Regional Race7.5FreeDistance190:26:07.6966.8
View RaceCCC Skiing Championships 2007 Medium dist Combined<Mar 21, 2007Québec<Canadian Championship5ClassicDistance900:19:22.0066.71
View RaceCoupe Atomic Orford/ Loppet Orford<Feb 11, 2007Parc national du Mont-Orford<Regional Race7.5ClassicDistance170:34:27.2066.02
View RaceChampionnat de l'Est - Eastern Championships<Feb 3, 2007Gatineau<Regional Race7.5ClassicDistance1180:32:04.9065