Details for: Sophie LECHNER 40544 List: 1872 Return to Points List 1872

List:5th CPL Distance 2024-25
Start:Feb 6, 2024
End:Feb 6, 2025
Races to Count:7
View RaceMar 23, 2024GaltuerPopular Cross-Country Races30Distance31:25:00.296.33
View Race54. Engadin Skimarathon/15. Engadin HalbmarathonMar 10, 2024EngadinPopular Cross-Country Races42Distance82:01:59.394.03
View RaceMar 9, 2024Nordisches Skizentrum Schlinig, ProvinzFIS Race5Distance216:04.992.53
View RaceFESA CUP - OPA FinalsMar 16, 2024Toblach/DobbiacoOrganisation of Alps Nations10Distance1326:47.992.25
View RaceOPA CUP - OPA GAMESFeb 25, 2024SchiparioOrganisation of Alps Nations10Distance1432:44.290.11
View RaceDec 15, 2024SeefeldFIS Race5Distance1014:40.188.57
View RaceFIS Nordic Junior World Ski ChampionshipsFeb 8, 2024PlanicaUnder 2320Distance3353:03.488.18
View RaceOPA CUP - OPA GAMESFeb 24, 2024SchiparioOrganisation of Alps Nations10Distance2438:14.185.91
View Race48 GRANFONDO DOBBIACO/TOBLACH -CORTINAFeb 1, 2025Dobbiaco-Cortina d AmpezzoPopular Cross-Country Races42Distance81:41:14.885.1
View RaceJan 26, 2025Hohenzollern Skistadion ArberseeFIS Race10Distance626:29.085.04