Details for: Nadil KHASSANOV 35736 List: 1595 Return to Points List 1595

List:4th CPL Distance
Start:Jul 1, 2019
End:Feb 21, 2022
Races to Count:7
View RaceCup of the Republic of KazakhstanNov 28, 2020SchuchinskNational Championships10Distance1027:28.289.96
View RaceFeb 13, 2021Almaty Soldier HollowEastern Europe Cup20Distance1549:27.988.93
View RaceCup of the Republic of KazakhstanDec 9, 2020SchuchinskFIS Race15Distance1543:13.288.66
View RaceCup of the Republic of KazakhstanDec 7, 2020SchuchinskFIS Race15Distance1439:33.287.23
View RaceCup of the Republic of KazakhstanNov 29, 2020SchuchinskNational Championships15Distance1640:17.886.52
View RaceDec 25, 2019Almaty Soldier HollowFIS Race15Distance1539:33.585.55
View RaceCup of the Republic of KazakhstanDec 23, 2020SchuchinskNational Championships15Distance2140:41.384.97
View RaceNov 14, 2019SchuchinskEastern Europe Cup10Distance4927:03.483.36
View RaceNov 13, 2019SchuchinskEastern Europe Cup10Distance4930:40.081.15
View RaceDec 22, 2019Almaty Soldier HollowFIS Race10Distance3037:05.581.11
View RaceFeb 12, 2021Almaty Soldier HollowEastern Europe Cup15Distance2150:45.978.03