Details for: Yu KAISAKA 26470 List: 1079 Return to Points List 1079

List:STC2016 Ranking YTD
Start:Nov 27, 2015
End:Feb 11, 2016
Races to Count:5
View RaceFIS Far East Cup The 33rd OTOINEPPU CupDec 27, 2015OtoineppuFar East Cup5Distance1018:00.288.31
View RaceFar East CupDec 16, 2015Alpensia ResortFar East Cup5Distance800:17:39.387.69
View RaceFar East CupDec 17, 2015Alpensia ResortFar East Cup5Distance800:15:42.387.39
View RaceFIS Far East Cup The 34th Ito Cup All Japan Champion Ski Race/ONEWAY Cup All Japan Cross-Country RacJan 6, 2016SapporoFar East Cup5Distance616:33.086.79
View RaceFIS Far East Cup The 33rd OTOINEPPU CupDec 26, 2015OtoineppuFar East Cup5Distance2020:16.686.71
View RaceFIS Far East Cup The 34th Ito Cup All Japan Champion Ski Race/ONEWAY Cup All Japan Cross-Country RacJan 8, 2016SapporoFar East Cup10Distance830:10.085.84